Els que fugen ...
La casualitat va fer que despengés d'una prestatgeria el llibre de Simenon, que no m'havia llegit encara, mentre estava llegint el de Kureishi.
"I am living this woman alone with two young children. She will have to care for them, predominantly, herself. My presence, however baleful, has perhaps reassured her. Now she will work, buy their clothes, feed them, tend them when they are sick.
I am sure she will ask herself, if she hasn't already, what men are for."
H.K. (pg. 115)
"But I could only think hat there are some fucks for wich a person would have
their partner and children drown in a freezng sea. My kingdom for a come. Women,
I've noticed, are particularly tenacious in this respect. When they want
someone, there's no stopping them.
HK (pg. 120)
[Asif]"All of us yearn for more. We are never satisfied. Wisdom is to know
the value of what we have. Every day, if there is some little good fortune, and
our children smile at us or for once do what we say, we should consider ourselves
lucky . (...)
Yes it makes me feel unique for loving the same person continuously
for a number of years and not covertly planning an escape. But I do love it
here. Every day something is built upon."
HK (pg. 131)
"Lying I don't recommend. Except in certain circumstancies. (...)
Lying protects all of us. (...) A world without lying wuld be impossible. A
world in which lying wasn't desprecated is also impossible. (...) Truth telling
therefore has to be an ultimate value , until it clashes with another ultimate
value, pleasure, at wich point, to state the obvious, there is conflict
HK (pg 136)
Standing up, I scribbed a note. 'Dear Susan, I have left this house and
won't be coming back. I'm sorry to say that I don't think we can make one
another happy. I will speak to you tomorrow.' That is it. (...)
HK ( pg. 151)
"Then you moved closer, stroked my hair anf took my hand. (...)
Suddenly I had the feeling that eveerything was asit should be and nothing
culd add to that happiness or contentment. This was all that there
was, and all that could be. The best of everything has acmlated in this
mment. It could only have been love."
HK (pg. 155)
Aquí hi hauria d'anar la reflexió sobre la reacció de la dona i els fills quan s'assabenten de la seva fugida de casa. De la seva reacció a la de la seva ex-família. També hi podria anar l'anàlisi i el balanç, positius o negatius - que en fa el protagonista al cap d'uns anys ...
Però és clar, això ja fóra una altra història, i aquesta fi que ell ha decidit d'escriure, és el que més s'assembla a un final cinematogràfic feliç, que compensa el sabor agredolç que deixa a les neurones pensar que potser sí que la recerca del plaer i la il·lusió de la felicitat té dret a vèncer la covardia i la irresponsabilitat. Només vèncer, sense convèncer!
Ah! Novel.les!