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Etiquetes: coreografia, dansa, música, tango
M'ha fet força il·lusió descobrir els fòrums lingüístics de WordReference.com. La veritat és que m'ha sorprès el fet que no n'hagués tingut coneixement abans, però ja sabem que per a tot hi ha sempre una primera vegada, que arriba quan arriba, de vagades a l'hora, i de vegades molt a deshora.
Als fòrums hi ha un extraordinari moviment, i és d'agrair la facilitat amb la qual, amb una sola alta al servei, gratuït, es pugui anar de quealsevol fòrum a qualsevol altre.
I n'hi ha un munt on triar: català, castellà, italià, alemany, xinès, turc, àrab, portuguès, romanès, llatí, grec, ... impossible no trobar-hi on intercanviar quations linguïstiques i culturals.
Fòrum English only
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Fòrum Español-Français
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Fòrum Spanish English
Pregunteu, per exemple, "Com diríeu ... el que sigui en tal idioma ?" , i de seguida plouen un munt de respostes ... gairebé sempre intel·ligents i que, per aproximacions successives, acaben per resoldre el dubte.
Alguns fils de discussió són , a més, molt interessants ... o , com a mínim, així ho he apreciat jo en les primeres intervencions.
Via fòrum he establert un primer contacte amb Mike, un traductor de francès establert a Phoenix, Arizona, que escriu coses sensates i intel·ligents.
El fil de la discussió, "Forme adjective de 'États-Unis' " anava sobre la oportunitat d'aplicar l'adjectiu "états-uniens" als nordamericans, a qui ens referim sempre com a americans i prou. Déu n'hi do el que hi ha sortit.
En una de les seves intervencions, Mike escriu una cosa molt emotiva, dramàtica i altament il·lustrativa, això:
"Myself I grew up being shuttled around between California, Oregon,
Indiana, New York and Florida, so certainly had no statal identity, yet to be
honest I had no sense of myself as an American until I went to live in
Europe.Actually that reminds me of an old French professor who peppered all his
lectures with panegyrics on sundry French wines, cheeses, etc. Once someone in
class asked him why if he loved French things so entirely had he come to live in
the US. He replied, "Because only here can I be a Frenchman. In France I'm a
Polish Jew."
In both cases, this proves that as regards nationality ... you are actually the nationality you choose to have, the one you feel in your heart ... whatever you passport tells about you, wherever you live, however far you are now from the place you were born ...
This is why I'm Spaniard although I was born Catalan, I feel Catalan and will die
Catalan... probably in this part of Spain called Catalonia ... ;-)
But several millions of Catalans, who speak Catalan and Spanish, who feel Catalan , would like to live and die like Catalans in Catalonia, an independent country that
Google Earth would situate in the south of France and Northest of Spain
... while others make do with the feeling of being Globalvillager Eurounian
Spanish Catalans, which seems to be the "wise", bourgeois, comfortable, cowardly-accomodating way of being Catalan.
I've recently read that President G. Bush is clearly pro an independent Kosovo... isn't he? There was a war, thousands of casualties... Be it as a result of reward or punishment, nationalities often pay heavy death tolls ... either because they come up after being imposed manu militari or because they get their credentials after having fought for their own being.Gisèlia
Ainsi va le monde :-)
"Sorry! This thread is closed!"
L'explicació anava en un misatge a part :
El terma és massa sensible -inflamable com per deixar-lo obert. Mai se sap què pot
Greetings all :)This is a very interesting discussion, conducted on the most pleasant of terms. However, I'm afraid we are now far beyond the original question of vocabulary (is there an adjective form of "Etats-Unis")! :pFor the moment, this thread is therefore closed. I will see what I can do about splitting it and moving the appropriate parts to Cultural Discussions.Thank you for your understanding! :)Best,JannModerator "
No, no ho acabo d'"understanding" del tot però m'aguanto i m'hi poso fulles, per això hi ha moderadors i moderen com volen :-)
Si és veritat que divideix les aportacions al tema en dues parts i traspassa la reflexió político-cultural a "Cultural Discussions" haurem de parlar de qualitat americana, i si no... direm... "Dura lex, sed lex; dura censura sed censura" ;-)
I sí, anava de veres que en parlarien:
...As promised, I have investigated the possibility of moving your interesting, pleasant, and intelligent discussion of the adjective "American" (and its French translation) into the Cultural Discussions forum. As it turns out, this topic has already been discussed in depth there. I was actually told that it has been "beaten to death" and then some! :pSince CD does not accept duplicate threads any more than we do in French-English, I cannot move your discussion there.After consultation, the French-English moderators have decided that we cannot make an exception to rule 8 and allow your conversation on more in-depth cultural issues to remain on the forum. I am very sorry to have had to delete such well-thought-out and cordial discussion, as are my fellow moderators, and all the more so since debate on this topic has been much less civil in CD on occasion. But French-English is dedicated to exclusively linguistic topics... so I have had to "pare" the thread down to its linguistic bones, removing your cultural reflections.If you are receiving this message, it is because I had to remove one of your posts. I am sorry for this unpleasant business. I know you took time to think through those posts and write them out carefully. In the future, I hope you will think to switch over to CD when you have the urge to discuss non-language matters, thus avoiding this sort of situation.Thank you for your understanding. :)J*ModeratorThank you for your understanding. :)________
Increïblement amables i educats, oi?______________________
Mentrestant, si algú vol dir alguna cosa, haurà doncs de ser aquí, fins que ells vulguin, és clar, perquè si volen, també ho poden capar d'alguna manera o altra ...
Fins aquí l'estat de la questió per ara. Si hi ha res que pagui realment la pena ja us en faré cinc cèntims en aquest mateix post ...
Cinc cèntims:
He contestat això :
"This is Sani Girona (Gisèlia) to whom you send a nice message explaining why ... you had to ... ok. Never mind ...
I've also been a forum co-moderator and remember that sometimes it was difficult to cope with some stuff...
I actually don't like at all your strictness but i can understand it ... No less ... I'm prone to whole empathy.
Fortunately, I've got my own personal blog , Dipofilopersiflex , where I still can post whatever I feel like to, without any kind of restrictions...
ie a means of bypassing minor censoring troubles ...
So, I wish it could last for ages ...
Thus, I posted there the message your moderator pool didn't like, and eventually decided it had already "dead beaten" ...
Maybe, "Tout est dit et l'on vient trop tard dans ce monde ..." (La Bruyère)... but what I want to say it's my own version of the same... and I want to say it... I can't help !
Bien amicalement votre
Sani (Gisèlia) Girona"
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Etiquetes: anglès, fòrum, francès, identitat, independència, llengua, nacionalitat, politica, USA